Discus Plague

Discus Plague

The main cause of death in most imported discus fish from east Asian countries like Thailand and Malaysia also in LFS aquarium stores is a fatal viral disease with name given to it of ‘Discus Plague’ or ‘Black Disease’. It is also known as discus flu! Due to the lack of scientific research, there is no scientific name or treatment for the disease. Dr.Tom Waltzek ( Assistant Research Professor – DVM, Ph.D., University of Florida) believes that what we call “Discus Plague” is just a herpes virus. By our experience, this disease affects discus, angelfish, severum, and oscars.

How is Discus Plague Spread

Discus Plague is a highly contagious viral disease that can spread from tank to tank and from fish to fish. It seems that the main cause of the disease is an airborne virus that can be transmitted to the water! So all the tanks and fishes in the same room, same house, or even same building can be exposed to the Discus Black Disease virus without even having to share equipment. If you quarantine an infected discus in a separate room of the same building or house, the plague virus can go airborne and spread to all other tanks of your hatchery or farm. There is no need to emphasize on putting any new discus or tank mates, tank equipment or even small pieces of driftwood or aquarium plant that can introduce the plague virus into your discus tank or hatchery! And another thing is that if you plan to add new discus fish that used to have discus plague, be aware of the transmission risks! Basically, we would not recommend introducing any new discus to an aquarium that used to contain the disease for 6 months or more! Survivors of the discus plague may carry the black disease virus for at least 6 months and should be kept separately.

What are the symptoms and signs of ‘Discus Plague’

  • During the first stages of the discus plague, infected fish will have rapid and sometimes heavy breathing up to 3 breaths per second.
  • Sometimes you may see a flock of discus swimming up and down a corner of tank for no reason. This type of behavior is very common in early stages of the plague illness especially in young discus flocks.
  • Hanging in the dark corners near bottom or top of the tank.
  • Leaning to one side at top or bottom of the tank.
  • Peppering and increasing black spots on the discus’ skin.
  • Not eating, being shy or hiding behind aquarium decorations and filters with clamped fins.
  • Turning dark or even black in color(especially in the blue and brown strains).
  • Excessive mucus and slime coat production.
  • Scratching and rubbing against aquarium objects; they may also start darting and twitching.
  • Severe fin rot and/or columnaris.
  • White patches and/or points on fish’s skin; these white spots usually are caused by secondary infections such as external parasites, bacteria and fungi.
  • Cloudy and/or smelly water due to large amount of slime coat and protein.

The virus will run from one tank to another and spread across the whole farm or store in less than 2 or 3 days. The total duration of the discus plague is usually less than 7 days but it can last up to couples of weeks if there are secondary infections.

Virology of ‘Discus Plague’

Since discus Black Disease is a viral infection, there is no absolute cure or treatment for it. Discus plague is much like the human HIV virus. This disease tends to weaken the fish’s immune system and make the discus fish more susceptible to secondary infections and diseases that the fish would normally be able to fight off. In most cases, plague virus does not kill the discus directly, but indirectly by weakening the immune system. These secondary infections are the main causes of death and high mortality rate for infected discus. Although you can not eradicate the plague virus, the fish’s immune system can! Therefore, you can save your discus by boosting their immune system to fight the virus. Sometimes, some medication and antibiotics may be needed to control the bacterial, fungal and other possible secondary infections. Once they recover, they will have the immunity and the antibody to that certain subtype of Discus Plague by which they were infected with. Still, you must always beware of other types of this pathogen. Dr. Reeves believes that new discus should be kept by themselves in a separate tank for at least six weeks. Discus who have been exposed to the virus will be contagious for six weeks after the signs of the plague are gone. One way to see if the fish are going to give any type of disease to another fish is to put a fish you don’t value in the quarantine tank. If that fish doesn’t get sick, and when 6 weeks have passed, that fish is not likely to give anything to your older fish. By our experience, it is better to wait for at least 6 months before adding any new discus to your tank. In the next paragraph, you will learn about discus plague treatment and possible cures.


This disease is airborne, moving into a different building and tanks is always best. if you don’t have another building… the minimum you should have is a complete seperate treatment tanks with seperate equipment incluuding nets and Vacuum hoses. for more information on how to setup a quarantine tank click here

Discus Plague Treatment

There is no certain cure and known treatment for the plague virus, should we wait and watch all sick discus die of the disease and do nothing? Of course not! Even though there is nothing can be done to the virus, we can help the fish to be able to fight back and beat the plague disease! The most important thing about this disease is that you can save your infected discus fish by helping their immune system and controlling what we believe are secondary infections. Here’s some advice for help the infected discus.

  • Increasing the temperature of the water up to 92 degrees Fahrenheit can increase discus metabolic function and boost fish’s immune system. The stronger immune system, the less likely discus plague virus can cause havoc.
  • Heavy water change is the key, you have to do at least one 100% water change every 24 hours and before adding the new dosage of the medicines. follow this method here for best quarantine methods