Can You Add Too Much Beneficial Bacteria to a Fish Tank?
When you review aquarium maintenance guides, you’ll notice most of them recommend bottled bacteria ...
Beneficial Bacteria 101 for Fish
Beneficial bacteria are essential for a healthy aquarium. They break down fish waste, dead plants, and other organic matter, keeping the ...
Vodka Dosing
What is Carbon Dosing for Reef Tanks?
Biological filtration is a natural filtration method provided by nitrifying bacteria to remove nitrates from the reef ...
Giant Clams for Beginners: Beautiful, Hardy & Beneficial
If provided the proper conditions, giant clams are a great choice not only for the beginner reef ...
Red Sea’s Foundation Elements - Maintaining a Reef Aquarium
A successful coral reef aquarium is dependent upon maintaining the appropriate water parameters that, in turn, provide the stable ...
Flowerhorn Skin Peeling – Causes and Treatments
Shedding scales or peeling skin is rare, but not unheard of for Flowerhorn cichlids. Maybe you yourself noticed some ...